Friday, March 30, 2012

Exercise Clothes: Men vs. Women

Why is it that the only available and/or acceptable fitness attire for women consists of clothing that is skin tight, teeny-tiny, mostly made of spandex-like material, and usually undergarment-like, a.k.a. lingerie-esque, "outfits" while men can just wear whatever slobby old pair of dirty saggy shorts and t-shirts they own?  HONESTLY, WHO CAME UP WITH THIS PLAN? 

Compare that to this, and please note that one of the men is actually wearing pants! Women can't even wear shirts, and he has pants on. Ugh, this is so not fair!

Nevermind the fact that both women are wearing bra's, did you notice the makeup and perfect hair? Seriously, what girl doesn't pull her back when she's working out?

 Okay, so the pictures posted above are from ads, which are meant to sell the product (I know I'm running out to by the bondage wear right now) but what about the picture below? These women are playing volleyball in the Olympics and they're practically naked! 

 Now check out what the male Olympians are wearing.
Keep in mind, this was about the best picture of the males' outfits as I could find. Funnily enough, images of the ladies attire was much more readily available than the males pics!

All hope isn't lost yet ladies.  It seems as though these skimpy outfits may be a thing of the past.  Beginning this summer... bikinis are no longer required for female beach volleyball players in the Olympics.

"FIVB communications director Richard Baker told the Press Association: 'The athletes have had a choice - a full body suit or the bikini - and we have now expanded that choice even further to cater for religious or cultural reasons.
'We are not trying to steer away from a particular image, or trying to steer away from the bikinis, we are just trying to expand that choice to incorporate more nations."

Of course, their reasoning is to promote more women, who may have religious or cultural barriers against wearing garments like those posted above, to participate in the sport.  Far be it for them to simply admit these "uniforms" were degrading and sexist to begin with! 
Whatever!  At least women can cover their cracks now! 


  1. Although I agree that those are the stereotypes for women's and men's clothes at the gym, I never see women dressed like that when I'm working out. Almost all of the women I see wear baggy T's and long capris or pants. On the other hand, I prefer wearing skin tight bottoms and spandex tops when I'm running, as baggy clothes soaked in sweat hold me back and drive me crazy :)

  2. I totally agree, just because these are the stereotypes and what's advertised its definitely not what I choose to wear or what most real women wear when working out. I guess it's just another annoying marketing technique that bothers me. I must say I am interested to see what the Olympic volleyball players will be wearing this summer. My prediction is most will stick with their tiny weeny bikinis although I can't see how comfortable that girl pictured above can possible be :-)


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