Tuesday, March 20, 2012

At Work in a Crooked Dress (and Shoeless)!

Remember the honeymoon dresses I described a few days ago?  Well, I wore one to work today as it's been unseasonably warm here in North Carolina. However, all day, I was tugging, pulling and yanking at the top half of my dress because I felt like I had a twisted towel wrapped around me.  I cannot figure out exactly whether it was my bra that was misshapen or if the dress was sewn crooked.  Either way, it doesn't matter as it was annoying and I felt like I needed a V8 all day!  Aside from the fact that my bra straps wouldn't stay put, I kept running my hands up and down my hips to make sure the seems of my dress were straight.  I really couldn't really tell what was going on; everything was just off, either the bra was slipping or the dress was crooked and for either reason I was groping, pulling and tugging all day.  I felt like a hot mess as they say!

And, yes.  That is me in my office with no shoes on!  Why you ask?  Because I had the audacity to walk more than 3 feet in my (stupid) new sandals and they gave me blisters!  Blisters between my toes no less!  I'm so glad I'm wearing a $50+ dress, a $40 bra and new sandals (can't remember how much they cost), with this as the end result: a crooked, blistered, shoeless mess!  Ugh...I don't even know why I bother sometimes. 

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