Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy Anniversary, MuffinTop

Exactly one year a go on March 24, 2011, the Oxford English Dictionary announced the addition of “muffin top” to their newly revised dictionary. The first definition refers to the actual top portion of a muffin (you know, the yummy part), which was the most likely the key player in the second definition: "a protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers." In honor “muffin top's” birthday, I gathered a couple of pictures a as well as an explanation of this phenomena from Urban Dictionary for your enjoyment. And, while I understand that many of the incidents shown below are as a result of bad choices, I still blame designers for limiting our choices with low cut, super-skinny, tight-ass and ultra low-rise jeans and pants (as explained in the Urban Dictionary definition as well)! 

There is a (real) 5 step instructional video on how to avoid "muffin top"?  How about designers just making clothes that fit!

How To Avoid Muffin Top on Howcast

And she’s not even a “plus size!”

“Though, the effect is more extreme with heavier females, all females, with the exception of anorexic models, can fall victim to the muffin-top disaster. The reason for this, is that the design of low-rise/hip-hugger pants, originally popular during the late 60’s and early-to-mid 70’s, defies the natural shape and contours of the average females’ body; forcing the skin and fat around her waist, back and upper buttocks to spill out over her pants and through her tiny crop-top, causing a muffin-top effect.”

Happy Anniversary, Muffin Top!


  1. Can I have a cup of coffee with my muffin top?

  2. I love this blog everything you write about is so true and laugh my ass off every time I read it!

  3. The Anniversary of the Muffin Top! Too funny. Those photos are awful. Maybe those ladies might consider purchasing pants that fit them so they don't have a muffin top... I'm pretty sure the stores they bought them from sell larger sizes, lol.

    1. I know obviously most of the women pictured clearly need bigger sizes and longer shirts :-)

      But when I look at the last picture of the woman in the tan corduroys I noticed the legs and butt of her pants fit fine (almost a little baggy in the legs actually); it's the waist that's too tight. Designers needs to fix the way their clothes fit as most women's bodies do not look like Barbie dolls and we do not have 28 inch waists!


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