Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lions and Tigers and Shoes! Oh My!

I am ashamed to say that I own over forty pairs of shoes (heels, sandals, flats, boots and my personal favorite's FLIP FLOPS)! Yet everyday, unless I absolutely have to put on the dreaded heels, I wear the same old pair of flip flops (or closed toe flats if it's cold, and when I say cold I mean snow).  Otherwise, it's flip flops everyday, all day! And you know what? I'm not the only one; check out the pictures below highlighting the footwear of the ladies in my office.

 Here's one of our female attorneys (I will note that she's already changed out of her suit for the day; hhhmmm...was it because it was uncomfortable?).  This attorney is wearing her "everyday" black sneakers while she holds her heels, which she made a point to tell me she never wears until she is actually in the court room!  
An up close picture of the black sneaks; not that bad if you ask me. Wish we could get away with wearing them everyday. 

  Then we have my boss...sporting what you ask?  Flip flops! 

Now don't think that just because my boss wears flip flops, that we work in a super casual office; we don't. It's just that when we women don't have a meeting or someone coming into the office we all slip off those painful blister-makers that designers call shoes and don our flippie's or better yet our slippers. :-)

Here's what you'll find under my desk; my emergency flats (in case someone important shows up at the office), a pair of slippers and two pairs of flip flops (one emergency pair and the pair that I wore today). That's right I was bare foot in my office (again today)! Jealous?

Underneath two of our case managers' desks: slippers and slippers!

In the offices of two attorneys' we also find sneakers! These two women are in court wearing their heels but when they're back in the office, it's comfy sneaks o'clock!

A supervisor's desk; more slippers, 2 pairs of flats, heels and sandals.   Clearly, she is ready for any occasion!

And, just for fun (and clearly to prove my point) a picture of one of our male attorneys; still wearing is shoes, in his dress clothes, even after court with no emergency shoes or slippers under his desk.
To be fair I asked him if he ever felt like taking off his shoes or changing into casual clothes after court; and he said "no my shoes aren't as uncomfortable as yours and my clothes don't bother me."


  1. It's truly a man's world still! Plus, they pay less for dry cleaning than we do. UUGGHH

  2. Not only are the heels uncomfortable but you end up having to take them off at the metal detector to get into the courtroom. They should provide hazmat suits before making anyone walk across that nasty carpet.

  3. Of course Flip flops are my shoe of choice. First of all any other shoe makes me hot, then there's the bunion issue which is oh so lovely. Anyone who has ever had feet issues and has bled as a a result of wearing any kind of closed shoes understands. Not to mention why the hell do we even have heels? all the doctors say they're bad, they hurt and they're expensive. It's like a torture device. So I know the response will be they're cut, sexy etc... Oh that's right it's so sexy when you take them off and can stand the pain.

  4. My problem is that they don't make women's shoes in wide. No designer does. The shoes that DO come in wide are frumpy and never good for either work or going out.

    So me, and many other women, are forced to wear shoes too narrow and give ourselves blisters and bunions the size of Texas because women are too "dainty" to have wide feet.

    Meanwhile, all men's shoes come in Regular and Wide as an industry standard. Thanks, society. I needed you to maim me on a daily basis.

  5. I always bring a pair of comfortable shoes back and forth to work, I think I'm gonna start leaving them at my offoce too.


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