Sunday, February 19, 2012

Comfy-Pants O’clock

Saturday and Sunday are my favorite clothing days!  Saturday’s and Sunday’s mean sweat pants, pajama bottoms, yoga pants, and up until recently, gauchos (oh’ thank you fashion Gods for bringing back Gauchos for those few sweet years).  Of course, now that I think about it, I’ll wear comfortable pants pretty much any day where I’m not absolutely required to wear regular pants.  And, by required I mean for work, job interviews, funerals and parties…and that’s it!  In fact, the first thing I do when I come home from these required regular clothing events is to change into my comfortable pants, because it is, of course, by then “comfy-pants o’clock” and I must promptly remove the wretchedly uncomfortable clothing I have been forced to endure all day and free my body into something which I can actually breath and move around in without my ass crack hanging out, or worse dealing with the frontal wedge!

Hmmm…maybe I should give those pajama jeans a try after all :-) 


  1. Comfy pants o'clock is my favorite time of day too! It's amazing how much better I feel about life when I am wearing pants that don't require a belt.

  2. It's soooo true. All of my male friends don't understand this phenomenon because their clothes are loose-fitting.

    It says a lot that a vast majority of women feel the urge to shed their tight and uncomfortable work clothing just so they can feel at home.

  3. The frontal wedge. Hahahahahaha!!

    My yoga pants and oversized t-shirt are always nearby and pants o'clock at my house is anytime after 5pm. Well, except on the weekends and holidays and rainy days and sick days and errand running days and 'those jeans are too tight' days...then it starts at 8am!

  4. Haha...pajama jeans! Aren't those the same as 'jeggings'? I adore my jeggings. In fact, I am wearing them right now. While my boss never really understood them, I certainly do appreciate both their fashion and comfort.

  5. Don't do the pajama jeans! Its the equivalent of a Snuggie which I am boycotting for life. Mostly because wearing a backwards housecoat was an idea I had many years before I knew it was a multi-million dollar industry.


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