Monday, March 23, 2015

Clothing with Instructions?!


Clothing that requires instructions reminds me of "one size fits all" clothing it's just not true and the idea of it is absolutely ridiculous. Of course most designers have now changed their "one size fits all" to say "fits most" but still it's a joke. Anyway, clothing with instruction is equally as ridiculous! Unless you're the actual designer or have three assistants to help you get dressed you are most likely never going to be able to twist, twirl and contort your body to assemble the article of clothing exactly as instructed, if at all. Apart from the extreme difficulty and acrobatic acts required to put on one of these "instructions required garments" it’s far easier to pull on a regular shirt and skirt than it would be to twist, tie, pull, twist again, wrap and then tadah! 
I tried to make a video to represent my point however after trying for several minutes to follow the 4 “simple steps” I ended up with a file too large to upload and me still standing there tangled and undressed. So in an effort to keep this blog PG13 I opted to share the instruction manual instead. Enjoy.
 I don't know about you but the last time I needed instructions to get dresses was when I was learning to tie my shoe laces and even then we just sang a song!